FileXampp Indexphp File Download

I am using for Linux, but when I try to open a file saved in a folder saved in home directory, the browser downloads the PHP file instead of displaying it. What could be the problem? XAMPP Status is: Component Status Hint MySQL database ACTIVATED PHP ACTIVATED Perl ACTIVATED Common Gateway Interface (CGI) ACTIVATED Server Side Includes (SSI) ACTIVATED PHP extension »OPcache« DEACTIVATED See FAQ PHP extension »OCI8/Oracle« ACTIVATED Some changes to the configuration sometime may cause false negative status reports. What could be a possible solution?

Wamp www root index.php file got deleted I accidentally delete the default www root folder index.php for WAMP server all the time. So I keep a back up of the index.php I uploaded m.

I am trying to set up XAMPP so that I can serve.php files locally, but whenever I open a.php file my brower prompts me to save or open the file (basically to download). HTML files open fine, and I am in the right directory because I tried opening the XAMPP index.php file and got the same result. The only thing that I can think of is that localhost points to, so that may be causing a problem. Download free virginia evans fce use of english 1 key pdf 2. Mr photo 15 setup free download full. Any thoughts? If your browser is trying to download a.php it means your apache server isn't setup to process them server side as a script. Edit: make sure your LoadModule php5_module 'C:/Program Files (x86)/PHP/php5apache2_2.dll'.

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